Thursday, 30 October 2008

Kirjandust ja Internetiviiteid


Müller-Wille, M. 1974. Boat-graves in northern Europe. - The International Journal of Nautical Archeology and Underwater Exploration. 3:2, 187-204.

The Oseberg find 100 (Norra)

The ship burials at Avaldsnes (Norra)

Ladbyskibet Viking Burial (Taani)

Sutton Hoo (Suurbritannia)


Nordic and Baltic wrecks & shipfinds

Viking ships and norse wooden boats

Roskilde viikingilaevade muuseum

The Lapuri find (Soome)
Alopaeus, Harry. The Lapuri find
Sotka viikingilaev - Lapuri laevaleiu koopia

Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole 1997. Viking-Age Ships and Shipbuilding in Hedeby/Haithabu and Schleswig. Ships and boats of the North, Vol 2. Schleswig & Roskilde. (M)

Fircks, Jochen v 1999. Der Nachbau eines altslawischen Bootes. Ein archäologischer Fund aus Ralswiek auf Rügen wird seetüchtig. Lübstorf. (M)

Indruszewski, George 2004. Man, Ship, Landscape. Ships and seafaring in the Oder Mouth Area AD 400-1400. A casestudy of an ideological context. (M)

Larsson, Gunilla 2007. Ship and Society. Maritime Ideology in Late Iron Age Sweden. Aun 37. (TLÜ AI)

Vinner, Max 2002. Viking Ship Museum Boats. Roskilde. (M)

Westerdahl, Christer (ed) 1994. Crossroads in Ancient Shipbuilding. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology Roskilde 1991. Oxbow Monograph 40. (RR)

Mängust ja mängunuppudest

Helmfrid, Sten 2005. Hnefatafl - the Strategic Board Game of the Vikings.

Peterson, Neil N. Hnefatafl. An Experimental Reconstruction.

Whittaker, Helène 2006. Game-boards and gaming-pieces in the Northern European Iron Age. Nordlit 20, 103-112

Linke Hnefatafl mängu kohta

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kui kedagi peaks huvitama ja pole veel leidnud, siis N. Nicolaysen'i raamat "The viking-ship discovered at Gokstad in Norway" aastast 1882 on internetis loetav/vaadatav siin